Duncan Public Schools Report Card
Duncan High School has performed higher than the state average in academic achievement, graduation rate, attendance, and overall academic performance.
Duncan's high school, middle school, and all elementary schools all are over-performing state averages in chronic absenteeism.
Duncan Public Schools is proud to offer fine arts programs and STEM learning programs on all of our campuses.
Duncan's Supportive Community
Duncan Public School is surrounded and supported by a tight-knit community with over 140 businesses that gave to our school district through financial contributions or donations.
Duncan leans on its strong parent support in all areas from the classroom to the field. 5 elementary schools, middle school, high school, and pre-k center all offer strong PTA organizations.

Work & Life Schedule
Duncan Public Schools offers more time for its employees to prioritize time outside of the workplace.
Heading into the school year, DPS offers a 172 work day year with time off on all major holidays as well as spring break, fall break, and summer break. All this time off allows our families to be able to enjoy time with their loved ones.
Duncan's Administrative Support
Duncan Public Schools is a district that offers neighborhood elementary schools and a specialized Pre-K center. Due to every site having its own principal, counselor, and attendance clerk teachers have access to ample administrative support.
Duncan also offers a vast technology, maintenance, transportation, and communication support team that teachers have access to on all work days.
Finally, Duncan is proud to offer high levels of access to professional development opportunities through furthering teacher education or training classes. Allowing employees to chase their full professional development with district-wide support.